Climate Data, Regional Climate Models (RCM), Reliability Ensemble Averaging (REA), River Basin.Abstract
Variation in the climate acts as an important factor in managing the natural resources in order to meet the needs of human life for present and future generations. Future projections of the climate data obtained from the climate models help in developing the policies for the sustainable use of natural resources. In the present study, changes in the climate variables were assessed both spatially and temporally using Regional Climate Models (RCM) database under Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) from Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR), Pune, for Krishna river basin, India. Uncertainties in the climate variables were reduced by using Reliable Ensemble Averaging (REA) method. The results suggest that the ability of REA data performs well throughout the basin except in the upper region of the Krishna basin. First future period shows around 20 per cent decrease when compared to the historic period where the other two future periods show a less change in the precipitation.Downloads
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