Constraints Faced in using Modern Ict Tools: A Study of Dairy Cooperative Societies in Uttarakhand
The study sought to identify the constraints faced by the farmers in using information communication technology (ICT) in plain and hill areas of Nainital district of Uttarakhand. A total of 80 households were selected for the study, of whom, 44 and 36 households were members and non-members of Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS), respectively. Factor analysis was used to identify the broader category of constraints that lie inherent in the set of 15 specific constraints that were presented before the respondents for their rankings on a three-point continuum. The results of the analysis revealed four major categories of constraints in the plains viz. respondents' capacity, accessibility to ICT services, mobile use and network coverage problems. The same categories of constraints were also identified in the hills in addition to another broad constraint category, viz. lack of training in hills. Likelihood of constraints faced in use of ICT decreased with increase in education level of respondents in plains. However, non-farm income showed negative influence on constraints faced indicating that greater dependence on farm income resulted in higher intensity of constraints faced by the households in using ICT tools. In hills, probability of constraints in operating ICT tools increased with decrease in contact with extension workers. The constraints faced by member and non-member households of DCS - as identified in this study - must be addressed adequately to enhance the efficacy of DCS in information dissemination through modern ICT tools.Downloads
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How to Cite
Singh, P., Bardhan, D., & Tripathi, S. (2015). Constraints Faced in using Modern Ict Tools: A Study of Dairy Cooperative Societies in Uttarakhand. Journal of Rural Development, 34(2), 149–166. Retrieved from