Health in Rural India:Towards a Comprehensive Health Index


  • Shilpa Chaudary Economics Department, Janaki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi


This paper constructs a determinants-based comprehensive indicator of health that can better capture the health status of population by taking into account the necessary facilities that promote a longer as well as disease-free life. Annual time series of health index comprising three sub-indices, namely, material access index, health infrastructure index and healthcare utilisation index, are constructed for fifteen major States of India for the period 1983-84 to 2005-06. The health index indicates an increased access to basic facilities over the years; levels of access being still low, health infrastructure being stagnant since mid-1990s and low levels of health care utilisation. Better rural health status requires reducing health risks, strengthening health infrastructure and increasing health awareness.


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How to Cite

Chaudary, S. (2016). Health in Rural India:Towards a Comprehensive Health Index. Journal of Rural Development, 35(3), 377–395. Retrieved from


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