Perspectives of Exiting Undergraduate Agriculture Students on the Status of Agricultural Extension in Selected Counties in Kenya
Extension Service, Future Farmers, Food and Nutrition SecurityAbstract
Although agriculture is still a critical driver of Kenya’s economic development, extension service is generally invisible and inaccessible to majority of small-scale farmers in rural areas. Consequently, both food insecurity and land degradation have remained key development and environmentalchallenges. Further, government budgetary allocations to this sector have declined over the years. The situation has been worsened by the devolution of agriculture to the County government level. For purposes of planning, perspectives on the future of extension service were solicited from exiting undergraduate students taking soil and water conservation course at Kenyatta University in 2015. This assessment was also meant to indirectly gauge whether the students understood the importance of extension service in soil and water conservation and development. This paper highlights the views of this clientele and the implications for future planning and policy in extension service. Results show that households still regard extension service as a critical input in soil and water conservation and land use planning, in general. However, its apparent invisibility, particularly in rural areas, contributes to low yields, decline in the number of farming households and increase in land degradation. To reinvigorate extension service thus calls for a paradigm shift in policy that views extension as a right to tax-paying farmers, who are entitled to information held by the State, particularly now that the right to food is a constitutional requirement. Training and visit as a social process is still the most preferred method of outreach. Contrary to popular opinion, majority of respondents indicated a willingness to work in the agriculture sector. Accordingly, annual budgetary allocaton to this devolved sector needs to address County-specific agricultural priorities in pursuit of food and nutrition security, youth employment and wealth creation.
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