Determinants of Farmers’ Perception on Legalising Leasing Contracts in Central Kerala
Leasing Contracts, Logit, Central Kerala.Abstract
This paper explores the determinants of tenant’s opinion regarding the legalisation of tenant contracts in Thrissur, Idukki and Ernakulam districts of Central Kerala. The primary data was collected from one hundred tenant farmers selected from five blocks of Thrissur, four blocks of Idukki and five blocks of Ernakulam. The results of the study found that the majority of tenant farmers demand legalisation of leasing contracts. Among the tenant households, 67 per cent were in support of the legalisation process of leasing contracts. The Binary logit model was used to examine the factors that determine the tenant’s opinion on the legalisation of tenancy contract in Central Kerala. Estimated results reveal that the age of the tenant, years of schooling and area of land leased by the tenants were significant variables in determining the opinion on the legalisation of tenancy rights.Downloads
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