Panchayat Citizen Charter (<i>Meri Panchayat, Mera Adhikaar - Jan Sevaayein Hamaare Dwaar</i> Campaign)


  • Chandra Sekhar Kumar Additional Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India.
  • Anjan Kumar Bhanja Associate Professor, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.
  • Mohit Gupta Consultant, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India.



Panchayat Citizen Charter, Right to Public Services, Grievance Redressal.


Panchayats implement many development programmes and provide basic public services to the citizens in their respective areas. All public services are paid for by individual citizens, either directly or indirectly through taxes. Therefore, the question arises - How to make Panchayats appreciate the needs of the citizens and improve the quality of public services? The answer probably lies in the ‘Citizen Charter.’ The citizens have the right to expect a particular quality of service that is responsive to their needs and Panchayats are obliged to provide the required services efficiently at a reasonable cost. Thus, the Citizen Charter is a practical proposition in terms of involving and motivating the elected representatives, Panchayat officials and the citizens to work out and adopt a more responsive Panchayat set-up with increased transparency and efficient service delivery as per citizens’ needs. Panchayat Citizens’ Charter preserves the trust between the citizens and Panchayats, helps to make the citizens aware of their rights and also makes Panchayats accountable to citizens.


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How to Cite

Kumar, C. S., Bhanja, A. K., & Gupta, M. (2023). Panchayat Citizen Charter (<i>Meri Panchayat, Mera Adhikaar - Jan Sevaayein Hamaare Dwaar</i> Campaign). Journal of Rural Development, 42(2), 115–134.


The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (June 2021): Model Citizen Charter for Panchayats

Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad (2008) - Citizen Charters – A Handbook

GoI Citizen Charter Portal

The MoPR’s Citizen Charter Portal