Organisational Structure Involving Community for Effective Watershed Development


  • A. K. Jain Irrigation & Command Area Development Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
  • M. Gopinath Reddy Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), N.O. Campus, Begumpet, Hyderabad
  • M. S. Rama Mohan Rao Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Documentation, IWMP, CES (Pvt) Ltd, Bangalore


Evaluation of watershed development projects time and again revealed that the development to be sustainable, calls for involvement of beneficiaries at all stages of development process so as to transform them as Self-Managers. The existing approaches in developing three watersheds under similar agro-climatic and socioeconomic conditions, developed by research, development and NGO agencies were assessed to identify an appropriate organisational structure for developing watersheds on a sustainable basis keeping productivity, conservation, livelihoods and equity concerns in harmony. The longitudinal approach (before and after situation) was adopted to measure the impact. 

People's involvement was better in NGO managed watershed due to formation of affinity groups such as SHGs and UGs which remained active even after completion of the programme. The study has established the need for strengthening local level institution, by creating suitable institution at the district level, with capacities and capabilities in managing resources on long term basis for improving productivity and ensuring livelihoods to the rural communities. Strengthening local level institution with support from UGs formed at the village level to conserve and manage the resources related to crop production, livestock, water use and managing common properties would lead to sustainable development by transforming every individual as a partner of the programme. It is concluded that for sustainable development of watersheds, involvement of local level institutions supported by affinity groups and guided by technical persons at different levels on continuous basis was needed. Then alone the primary stakeholders can transform into self-managers.


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How to Cite

Jain, A. K., Gopinath Reddy, M., & Rama Mohan Rao, M. S. (2011). Organisational Structure Involving Community for Effective Watershed Development. Journal of Rural Development, 30(4), 421–432. Retrieved from