Analysing Agriculture Extension Services for Media Mixes for Transfer of Technology


  • Sunita Raina Govt. Degree College, Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Hardeep Chahal Dept. of Commerce, University of Jammu
  • S. K. Kher Division of Agriculture Extension Education, SKUAST-Jammu


Keeping in view the gaining significance of agriculture information for farming community, agriculture universities and research stations are being developed and upgraded regularly to generate customised information to accelerate agricultural productivity. This process calls for effective and regular communication and diffusion of agriculture innovation from research stations to farming community through agriculture extension personnel (AEP), which acts as linkage mechanism between the research and farmers. As such,the job of AEP can be considered as most challenging as they act as a hub to transfer, persuade, motivate and convince the farmers to accept and implement the new technology and information using the most appropriate communication tools/media mixes. For effective training of trainers(ToT), extension personnel should have sound knowledge of the subject-matter and be conversant with various communication methods and media to disseminate the information effectively and to ensure its effective adoption by the farming community under different socio-economic situations. In this regard, a research study with 141 respondents in the district of Jammu was undertaken by Department of Agriculture Extension System to find out various channels of communication tools used and preferred to use by AEP for effective transfer of technology process (ToTP). The validity and reliability tools along with analytical tools lime factor analysis were used to analyse the data. The paper concludes by offering strategies with respect to "Communication Tools Used for Transfer of Technology by AEP" variable that can be incorporated in the T&V extension system to increase the effectiveness of ToTP.


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How to Cite

Raina, S., Chahal, H., & Kher, S. K. (2016). Analysing Agriculture Extension Services for Media Mixes for Transfer of Technology. Journal of Rural Development, 35(3), 465–481. Retrieved from


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