Job-Home Balance of Rural Women Employees: An Insight Study from Bangalore Rural District
Factors, Female/Women Employees, Home, Service Sector, Bangalore/Bengaluru Rural, Job, Job-Home Balance (JHB).Abstract
The present dynamic organisational environment has presented numerous challenges for women employees, with maintaining a harmonious balance between their professional and domestic responsibilities emerging as a particularly salient concern. This study examines the key determinants that influence the job-home balance of female employees in the Bangalore Rural district. The study surveyed 360 female employees working across various service and manufacturing industries. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire and analysed using factor analysis, correlation, and multiple regression techniques with SPSS 21.0. The findings indicate that a range of factors, including demographics, stress, interpersonal relations at home, job characteristics, emotional well-being, and work circumstances, significantly and strongly influence job-home balance. A better job-home balance has been found to increase organisational productivity, job satisfaction, and employee engagement while decreasing absenteeism and attrition.
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