Local Governance and Sustainable Development Goals: Local Development Approach in India


  • Ajay Sharma Chinnadurai Ph.D. Scholar, **Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu-608002 https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4308-5349
  • P. Sakthivel Ph.D. Scholar ,**Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu-608002




Local Governance, Sustainable Development Goals, Decentralisation, Development Plan, E-Gram Swaraj, Localisation of SDGs, Panchayati Raj Institutions.


The Government of India has made numerous efforts to strengthen and decentralise the planning process at the local level so that the development funds used by the plans produce successful results. The 15th Finance Commission has designated a sum of Rs. 2.4 lakh crore for rural local governments. The Ministry of Finance has issued guidelines outlining the procedures for the disbursement and utilisation of these funds. According to these guidelines, Gram Panchayats (GPs) must develop comprehensive frameworks, known as the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), prior to incurring any expenses related to the FFC award. These plans should outline the strategies for delivering essential services within the scope of functions delegated to the GPs. For this purpose, the GPs are to be equipped with the required capacity for planning by facilitating group discussion, seeking stakeholder views, receiving expert inputs, conducting subject-specific group work, and organising Ward Sabha and Gram Sabha meetings. Understanding the existing issues with ‘Plan Plus’ and the change in approach to planning towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a new approach to planning at the grassroots dawned on the Government of India. Under the guidance of NITI Aayog and with the initiative of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), 26 Union Ministries made a joint resolution to act on the localisation of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs). This paper discusses the road map for the LSDGs, components that need to be included, features of the planning platform (E-Gram Swaraj), challenges, and a way forward for the implementation of the process of capacity building.


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How to Cite

Chinnadurai, A. S., & Sakthivel, P. (2024). Local Governance and Sustainable Development Goals: Local Development Approach in India. Journal of Rural Development, 43(1), 84–94. https://doi.org/10.25175/jrd/2023/v43/i1/173238



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