Good Governance in Gram Panchayat: A Case Study of Michael Pattinam
Good Governance, Social Factors, Rural Development, Gram Panchayat.Abstract
The Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1994 was enacted to deliver good governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions. Despite more than two decades of democratic decentralisation, the Gram Panchayats face challenges in good governance due to devolution of powers, transparency and accountability. Against this backdrop, this article makes a pioneering attempt to examine the eight elements of good governance in Gram Panchayat for the purpose of learning and policymaking. The case study unfolds that the Gram Panchayat has succeeded in the elements of consensus-oriented, effectiveness and efficiency whereas it failed in participation, rule of law, equity and inclusiveness as well as responsiveness in good governance. The caste affinity, religious affiliation and class have influenced the Gram Panchayat president position to Panchayati Raj Institutions since 1994. The Gram Panchayat development activities consist of small savings, rainwater harvesting, rural sanitation, rural infrastructure, rural housing, environment and minority-majority relationship while it gave less importance to poverty, health, education and employment due to various socio-cultural, economic and political reasons, which influence as well as inhibit rural development in Gram Panchayat.Downloads
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