Access, Utilisation and Challenges of Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana (BKKY): A Case Study from Odisha, India


  • Babita Panda Department of Economics, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani Navi Mumbai, Maharasthra-410207
  • Himanshu Sekhar Rout Department of A&A Economics, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751004



Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana, Health Insurance, Odisha.


The present study tries to estimate the amount of benefit received by the insured from the BKKY and to identify the challenges faced by the insured in delivering the prescribed facilities. The study was based on both secondary and primary data. The primary data were collected from one block of the rural district in Odisha, India which was selected through multistage random sampling. For the study, 100 beneficiary households were selected randomly and data were collected through direct personal interviews by using structured schedules. Descriptive statistics are used to substantiate the objectives. The average claimed and received amount was Rs. 6566 and Rs. 3725, respectively. Only 56.71 per cent of the claimed amount was realised due to delay in an official procedure, mismatch of the fingerprint of beneficiaries, failure of networking of installed software, more amount of money deducted than released amount and exploitation involved in the delivery of facilities. So, the percentage of claim and receipt amount in terms of sum assured was 6.56 and 3.72 per cent, respectively. Another major issue is that even though the sum assured is available in respective cardholder, they are not claiming it. This is because of no proper enrolment procedure, lack of awareness, delay in sanctioning the claimed amount, non-cooperation of the hospital staff in delivering the services, low quality healthcare and non-supply of detail information about the hospitalisation expenditure. The government may create awareness among the insured. An immediate response may be provided by the hospital staff. The helpdesk counter may also supply detailed information to beneficiaries about hospitalisation expenditure to get an idea about their remaining sum assured.


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How to Cite

Panda, B., & Rout, H. S. (2020). Access, Utilisation and Challenges of Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana (BKKY): A Case Study from Odisha, India. Journal of Rural Development, 39(2), 278–291.

Author Biographies

Babita Panda, Department of Economics, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani Navi Mumbai, Maharasthra-410207

Babita Panda is a ICSSR PhD Fellow in the Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University. She is pursuing her PhD in Health Insurance in India.

Himanshu Sekhar Rout, Department of A&A Economics, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751004

Himanshu Sekhar Rout PhD is a Reader in the Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University (NAAC A+), Bhubaneswar. He has 18 years of teaching and research experience, and has ten books and more than 40 research papers published in national and international journals to his credit. Dr. Rout is Editor-in-Chief of the biannual journal Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management and is a Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Utkal Economic Papers and the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Current Researches. His teaching domain includes Macroeconomics, Public Economics, Health Economics, the Economics of Education, Indian Economic Planning and Development, and Research Methodology. His main areas of research are Economics of Social Sector (Health, Education, and Gender) and IPR (GIs).


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